Bridget Samuelson

Membership VP

This is going to be an exciting year for Sandpipers!  Since my first year in Sandpipers back in 2013, I have been really impressed with the ease in finding community involvement with this organization, and am continually blown away by my fellow Sandpipers - their passion, abilities and dedication to giving back! By the time I joined Sandpipers in 2013, I had lived in the South Bay for a few years, but I was traveling for work extensively. I found that I was really missing the connection to my community and the ability to give back on a more regular basis. I was determined to find an organization that would allow me to give back despite a busy schedule – which is when I found Sandpipers.  Since joining Sandpipers, I have served as part of Nomination & Leadership Development, Scholarship Co-Chair, Secretary and Presidential Assistant, Director of Special Projects, Finance VP, Holiday Homes Tour Co-Chair, Assistant to Philanthropy – (Grants & Administration), Webmaster, and served on the Scholarship and Auction committees.  I look forward to working with all of our members and serving on the Sandpipers board as Membership VP, and to continue my involvement in our community!
